If you want to be an engineer, be an engineer if you want to be an astronaut, be an astronaut, if you wanna be an actor, be an actor, what's holding you back?

Is your jackasss friend compliment holding you, or your girlfriend opinion is holding you back.

Look my friend you've got one life, and you've to live your life to the fullest you can. you're not living for others neither representing others, don't you? So why not do what you really want to do, living your life as you dreamed of.

Ok, let me give you an example, would you eat something which you don't like just because your friend likes to eat. Obviously no, isn't it? So why would you do something which your friend like and you don't!

And if you are thinking about what people will say or think, then it's none of your business because people will anyhow judge you, no matter what you do, either Wrong or Right they have no fucking works to do, and neither will let you do.

Well, let me teach you a small hack " How to Not Give a Fuck!" this hack is pretty simple, no big bang theory behind as simple as it sounds.

Okay, If you have a problem, who is supposed to solve it, you or me? Absolutely you right, because why should I give a fuck about you. So now swap it, I mean swap your problems with some other person, now if he has any problem, then who is supposed to fix, you or he? Obviously he right, why would you give a fuck about him.

So this is how this hack"Not to give a fuck" works if someone thinks something negative about you, it's his problem, not yours. He needs to work on it. Either he needs to change his mind or simply learn to mind his own business. You don't need to change anything or stoping yours form doing something which you like to do until and unless it's your problem.

Information: Old lady coffee Painting.
Type: Coffee painting.
Size: 27.5cm * 35cm.
Time:  2 hours
Music: Me -Taylor Swift

I have seen my parents weeping, and have not been able to do anything.

I have seen my mom crying due to pain, and I didn't weep a single drop tear in front of her, because it would have broken my mom.

I have seen my mom hungry but forcing me to eat my food.

I have seen my parents happy.

I have seen my family laughing.

I have seen my family crying.

I have seen a newborn baby crying for milk.

I have seen peoples dying.

I have seen smiles.

I have seen fights.

I have seen love.

I'm strong and I've seen life !!

Information: Gautam Buddha Watercolor painting  
Type: Watercolor 
Size : 24.5cm × 34.5cm
Time: 5 days with break 
Music: Beach House, Sick Boy (the Chainsmokers )


Information Type : Body Figure Drawing
Pencil : Colored Pencil -Titanium white
Size : 75 × 56
Time : 2 hours
Music : Maroon 5, Three little birds